It had been 6yrs, a relationship that lasted just 2yrs had an aftermath of 4yrs? we dated back in uni and it was a good run, but you just know relationships that aren't meant to work. Nothing nasty, he didnt cheat, we didnt fight...just had major family issues (tribe and religion) its amazing how some families still live in the primitive age. Oya let me go....!!!! No way, you cant be with me and you dont want to let me go? how selfish can you be.
He called me his AFRODISIAC? hmmmnn, and to me he was my KARMA!! i loved him, (or so i thought), we were a perfect couple (people said).......every other guy that came along after that fell by the way side beacuse of the "power of my ex", it became ridiculous. i remember this particular time, i met this guy..cool guy and i thought, ok! this time i just might leave, went to the ex for CLOSURE!!!! biggest mistake ever (does that really work? dont think so! it just makes it messy) anyways, asked for closure and i found myself breaking up with the new guy. why? lol....cos i was still "in love with my ex"
......we had dreams, we had hopes, we had plans.....none of which fell through. I cried bitter sweet tears, i remember holding my Holy word close to my chest one day, asking God WHY ME)i actaully thought i was cursed ooooo......silly right? lol. friends thought i was loosing it, some even thought i was physically ill....lol, (Queen Bee like you?). tried everything...cut him off from fbk, deleted his #( who was i kidding, i could recite it in my sleep,lol)..i even cut off our mutual friends.......all we needed was one meet and i became stupid again. we both stayed single for a very long time which probably made it harder.
Then one day, i woke up and said i had had enough....at 23? u better wake up girl and smell the coffee babes, its black and aint got sugar in it...lol, hes going to string you along till you're 27 then tell you stories, lol, no way was i letting that happen to me. it Few months down the line i met HIM , trust me he's the best thing that has happend to me in a very lonnnggggggg time. He gives me the butterflies, he makes my heart skip.....now this is the one i truly love. You know how you have a check list, ever have anyone tick 98% of it? Thats my baby!!! il talk about him in another post
It took me a while, maybe too long to get hold of myself from my ex but i finally did, i finally got out and im loving every single moment....told the ex i had a steady boyfriend now, who has met my family members and he sounded abit upset....lol, (not my problem) what does he do....tells me he's engaged to be married in 3yrs, lol....CONGRATS me dear! just send me an invite when the time comes........i have finally broken the curse.
snoozy land calls......nyt nyt!